regina 7th November 2007

I think that the need to dig him up is the need to see him again since it was his body that was HIM.The person we knew and loved.And wanting to see him again will never go away.We will eventually accept the fact that his body in the ground was/is just that-A BODY.But HE-Donny is still with us in our hearts,our minds,our memories and our dreams..and still with us as Allison says..Yes Sophia right now Donny can't get to me because my sadness,anger and other emotions are probably a wall of emotions that he can't get through..I got my gold locket in the mail on friday..The one I ordered from QVC that they lasered his picture on..Donny you are so handsome..It was a picture of him from my wedding and I need a new chain to wear it But I will not take it off so that you are with me always..Love to you all my children Mom